
Southern Adirondack
Audubon Society

Southern Adirondack Audubon Society, Inc.
is a chapter of National Audubon serving
Warren, Washington, northern Saratoga and southern Hamilton counties of New York State.

Saratoga Springs Library
Wednesday, March 26
7:00 pm
John Rogers

Bluebirds and More

A male Eastern Bluebird perches on a branch. Photo: Dr. Gordon Ellmers.
A male Eastern Bluebird perches on a branch. Photo: Dr. Gordon Ellmers.

On Wednesday, March 26, at 7:00 p.m., John Rogers will talk about “Bluebirds and More” at the Saratoga Springs Public Library in downtown Saratoga Springs.

Rogers is the co-founder of the NYS Bluebird Society. His presentation includes the life history of the East-ern Bluebird, other birds that nest in bluebird boxes, nest box manage-ment, and more. Rogers also shares his love for the natural world, with photos of wildflowers, butterflies, other birds and quotations by great naturalists of the past.

Rogers has maintained a trail of bluebird nest boxes in central New York, north of Syracuse, for more than four decades. He has offered bluebird slide programs and work-shops for hundreds of organizations in 12 states and two Canadian prov-inces.

Rogers has received numerous awards for his bluebird conservation work, including the Bluebird Conservation Award from the North American Bluebird Socie-ty. He is a past board member of that organization. In 2010, he was a re-cipient of the Hero of Conservation Award from the Syracuse Post Standard. He is an experienced bird-er and member of the Onondaga Audubon Society in Syracuse. He earned a BA in Biology, SUNY Oswego. He lives in Oneida.  

SAAS sponsored Bird Talk! on 102.7 WEQX!

Bird Talk! is a 5-minute long bird spotlight show, which hits home with our motto, “Conservation Through Education.” You can listen to Joy, WEQX’s resident birder & gardener, every week for great music, and fun facts on the featured bird of the week every Thursday at 11:30am!

Bird Talk Recordings

August 8, 2024: Gulls

August 15, 2024: Osprey

August 22, 2024: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

August 29, 2024: Red-headed Woodpecker & Hermit Thrush

Southern Adirondack Audubon Society (SAAS) is a certified local chapter of the National Audubon Society and incorporated in 1984 as a not-for-profit organization in New York.

  • SAAS represents ~600 member households in Warren, Washington, northern Saratoga and southern Hamilton counties in New York State.
  • SAAS’s primary goal is to protect the environment by preserving natural habitats and promoting environmental education.
  • Contact a board member to learn how you can volunteer with us in our local conservation and education work.

NEW! Bird Friendly
Property Checklist!

Southern Adirondack Audubon Society is now offering an online Bird Friendly Property Checklist! Take our short quiz to find out how bird friendly your property is and how you can make it even better. After taking the quiz, you may also order one of the above signs to show off your effort.

Southern Adirondack Audubon Society is now offering an online Bird Friendly Property Checklist! Take our short quiz to find out how bird friendly your property is and how you can make it even better. After taking the quiz, you may also order one of the above signs to show off your effort.

Videos of Past Programs

Effects of Climate Change on Montane Birds of the Northeast, Jason Hill, Ph.D.
View Program

Female Birds and the Mothers of Ornithology, Bridget Butler
View Program

More Past Programs